Monday, June 25, 2012

MMW God My Companion

One of the fundamental fears of people I have met is the fear of isolation. We mostly like to be in the company of others. Nowhere has this been more tangible in the larger cities where we can be alone in the midst of thousands. This is not to say that we do not have friends, just that there have been instances where we are in that crowd and our friends are nowhere to be found.
It is part of the character of the larger populations of the city that community becomes dysfunctional. This is not a criticism of the people in larger populations; in fact it is probably a character of the size of the town. As we get accustomed to the city we become accustomed to the need to compartmentalize our lives and suddenly we are members of this community and that community, and we become used to the fact that we might not know the people next door and across the street unless they share our passions.
This is not the model of community that Father has proposed for His people. Right through the sacred scripts we find that he endorses the notion of community that includes enemies and forgiveness of those who mistreat us. It is as we extend the hand of friendship and forgiveness to the people who do not know better or those who do know better and don't that we serve up Father Love to them.
It is this way that we display love in its most tangible form to the ones who come within our circle of influence. They then, having been influenced by Father's love will at some time, turn to the one who makes the difference in our lives: or not but that is their decision.
Jesus during His ministry years made much of the Kingdom of Heaven. In fact He ushered it into being at the beginning of it. The Kingdom of Heaven was made up of those who followed the Master and abided by His teachings. They were not Hebrew exclusively, they were Samaritan, they were Gentiles and they were Romans. In fact the only requirement to be a part of this community of Faith was compliance with the Master's teaching and to follow Him.
Today those requirements still apply but we have complicated them, much as the Jews did when God sent Moses down with the Ten Commandments. Today the Church of Jesus Christ is fragmented and divided by doctrine and pragma so that people looking in become confused and turn away to go another route.
I started this with a personal relationship with God and that still stands. God is my Master and the One who gives meaning to my life. He supplies my every need and points me in the right direction daily, now this said when I have a desire even if it is for His glory does not mean that He supplies because I may have some learning to do or it may be a future event.
But even so He has promised that He will be with me where ever and that is they promise that He has been faithful in, even when I have been in deep doo doo. When I recognize my need He is there to give me a hand up. Life is too vibrant to live it alone, God knows this and sends people to hold us up and support us, just as He sends us to support others. He is in the relationships we enjoy in our life just as He is by my side and your side as you live life daily.
This is a Daily promise from the Father on high. I will be with you even to the end of days. Thank you Dad

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