Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Character Assassination. Isn’t Character Destruction!

When I started this piece I had in mind a few friends and also a couple of high flyers called Tiger and Arnie.  These two were undone by the fact there were flaws in their character that lead to a downfall.  Of course they are not alone, we all have flaws in our characters – the distinction is that the higher your status the greater the public interest.
Character assassination is not about the Arnies and Tigers of this world. Their failure was the result of submitting to the flaws in their personality and their hope that it would not all come out in the wash.  Their failure was very much a product of their own doing; it seemed almost that they could not avoid the train wreck that their life became.
True character assassination is the action of people who set out to bring down people whom they resent or dislike.  This is done by lying about the person or calling that persons character into question somehow.  This sort of Character assassination is premeditated.  It may not even be factual but in the mind of the person who starts the campaign mud sticks.
Character assassination quite simply calls into question the ability of the person to perform in a specified way.  There may not be a specific failure but the question being posed by default raises the doubt in the audiences mind as to whether this person is fit to serve.
Many leaders of the Community have been brought down by “Chinese Whispers” of innuendoes brought by people who twist the truth by a matter of degrees and in so doing with the connivance of news makers bring shadows over the target individual.  This comment is relevant to our earthly community as well as the community of faith.  Where news sells is in the uncovering of “facts” whether it is confirmed or merely speculation.
In our Faith Community we held to a higher standard.  In Philippians 4:8 we are called to “think on these things” and what is it Paul calls us to think about just those things that are “whatever is true, whatever is honourable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.”  By living up to that standard we extend the love of God to people who have been slandered by the muckrakers who try to bring down vulnerable people. 
When we do not pander to this sort of activity we actually lend moral support to the person who is being victimized by the slander of his enemies.  It is a love walk, if you like, that sees individuals as they are; individuals to be shown the respect they rightly deserve or might be entitled to.
It doesn’t matter whether the person is a Pastor or a cleaner they each have made a contribution to your comfort so they are entitled your respect and support.
We are to be our best and we expect others to live up to that standard of behaviour.  This is the point where the disparagers of character find their niche for bring a person down simply because we have a higher standard than others may have. 
In the New Testament we are told to find the best in others and to offer them love.  We do this by loving each other regardless of whether they return that love that we offer.  This is the Jesus Way and Jesus followers should live to that standard.

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