Monday, July 23, 2012

- Que Sera Sera

I have an admission to make.  Over the last few weeks I have been dealing with a bit of a shock.  No names or pack drill at the moment but suffice it to say it set me back on my haunches.  This is the reason why I have not posted recently.
So then having processed the news and sorted how it may affect me I have this to say.  The trip may be somewhat interesting for the immediate future but I still remain in God’s enablement. If He still wants the Mad Mad World published then all I need do is be faithful, and wait for His stirring thoughts.  This might mean that there may not be consecutive publications but this cannot be helped.
Of course I am not on my own here.  Father has used this device to deliver glory to himself.  Even Jesus was known to comment in one instance that the man born blind was so born that the Son of Man might be glorified when He healed him.  Paul the Apostle also had an affliction in his eyes or hands. In one letter he personally wrote the letter with “see how big the words are.”
The thing is that if we are available Father can make us a bright and shining flame even if we see ourselves as a bruised and bent reed; all we need to do is say. “Father have your way in my life”.  As an example of this consider the life of  Joni Eareckson Tada who was paralysed as a teenager/young adult but has spent her life ministering to other people in her own situation.
There are people in our world today who go about their life in the sure and certain knowledge that their lives could be forfeited at any moment.  A friend of mine on Facebook is agitating about the imprisonment of Iranian Christian Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani who was sentenced to death for Apostasy: becoming a Christian in a Muslim Country in 2009.  He is rotting in gaol in the forlorn hope that if they leave him there he will recant and return to a muslin status, after over 1000 days he remains a Christian.
I am not high fiving my new status. I am just saying that each and every one of us have days, weeks, and even months or years when our “tears” outweigh our smiles.  We feel that it is not worth the “agro” to go on in the struggle but if we look deeper than our feelings we may glimpse a silver lining in our situation.  The point that we often over look, when we struggle with hard times, is that our Master Jesus has promised that He will be with us in the dark times of Struggle Town.

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