Saturday, December 22, 2012

Christmas in the time of the Mayan holocaust

Well this year Christmas is being celebrated with a little competition, namely the Mayan end of the world.  In a way it is to be considered an interesting competition; the Faith of the Fathers against the record of the extinct civilization that supposedly were very advanced in their scientific observations.
Given the above statements on the Maya, there is more to that connects the two dates.  The first is the extent to which people have been drawn into the end of the situation and the birth of Jesus.  This has an extra and associated link.  Because the Maya used a graphic record that was found on stone there are few who know how to read the record. You could class these experts as Prophets who foresaw the birth of Jesus.  But that is the end of the comparison.
The birth of Jesus is an event which has been celebrated with joy for around 2000 years.  The Mayan holocaust was just a single day when all life was supposed to experience a cataclysmic change that would constitute the end of human existence.  Compare the two events and it is hardly surprising that the Jesus birth has been preferred.
There are two issues in the Christmas event too. First of these is the “Social Event” that brings families together.  It is Christmas time, a time for presents, Santa Clause and singing about the Christ Child with eggnog, or equivalent in hand. It happens once a year and is followed by “Boxing day” then “New Year’s Eve”. 
The second event is the Faith Birth where we celebrate the birth of the Son of the Father.  Unfortunately most people attend the Social Event and seem not to believe in the Christ Child who is central to the faith of the Christian Church.
Christmas is more than a day for presents, Jesus is the ultimate present for the people of the world and all it takes is for individuals to accept Christ as the Lord of life and by entering the relationship of faith in Him that turns the Social Christmas into Faith Christmas which leads to a new life.
It is the start of the faith life and more so for the believers.  The joy we experience in this time of the year is the motivation to share our faith with the people in our life. Father has the desire that all who will come to faith in Jesus His Son, and we who call Him “Master” should be aware that we are fellow workers in blessing the people in our lives. 
This celebration is the reminder that Jesus was born as a baby to show us how to live the Father life eventually and to save all who were willing to be saved.  If we who live the God Life ignore the expectation of sharing the news and the love that has been shared abroad how are we to spread the news of life in God’s Kingdom and how are we to offer God’s love through to others?
Father has offered us a new life called “Kingdom Building.”  This is the introduction of others to the Kingdom of God and the bringing the Peace from God which we have in our lives. Could anything be more motivating?