Saturday, January 19, 2013

~ Living in the Tunnel

Living In The Tunnel

In the tunnel of life there is surrender or there is death.  Many people have  some close  to death before they find surrender, more is the pity because life is not meant to be a fight in the dark.  Dad is waiting right with us ready to strengthen us in the way that only He can.
But the thing is that we need to acknowledge Him to let Him in.  I used to see this as a part of the conversion process but I am not sure of that any more, certainly it is there but now I am leaning toward it being more than that.
You see I have had, and have friends who have had life shaking moments in the tunnel, that have gone on for months.  If we do not get to the point of surrender, if we continue to struggle in our own strength we can indeed reach that point where we thing “well I gave faith a try and it wasn’t what it was cracked up to be and the next step in this process is to give it away.
But the truth of the matter is that Dad is still there waiting for us to work out the we are the problem and He is the solution and when this happens He is ready to do one of two things.  He may get us moving out of the tunnel or if there is stuff that we need to process then He will stand with us as we process whatever we have outstanding.  He never leaves alone, never.
And we have the presence of the Comforter who at times like this will give us just what we need to stand for God even while we are in the middle of turmoil.  Quite simply when we stand firm in trials we show the power of God in our lives even if we do not feel it, and we draw people to Him.
In fact when we stand in the middle of the turmoil of the tunnel often Dad sends people to encourage us as we process the of which we are processing.  Remember Moses when he was leading the Israelites toward the Promised Land, he was overloaded with the grizzles of the people and at one stage, Jethro his Father in law came visiting and told him he was doing too much for the people and suggested a way of spreading the load.
In fact the story of Job was a similar thing, Job in the middle of his trials wanted to have it out with God and the philosophers who plagued him helped him to reach a resolution to his situation so that when God arrived in person Job was content to accept God’s solution for his life.
Our response to trouble in our lives reflects our relationship to Father.  We are for Him then it is only reasonable to that our lives will show out our attitude towards God.  Conversely people who are in denial toward God may find a different solution which is satisfactory to them or not but even so Father is always present offering new life and His solution for their lives
What this piece has to all intents ignored the fact that the tunnel is not where most of us live.  We live in the glory of the sunshine in between tunnels and it is indeed a glorious life.  We live in the warmth of the Sonshine and being lead through our life by the son of God – Christ Jesus.

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