Wednesday, January 23, 2013

When a Man Fulfils a Woman

Ok the title has many possible technical objectionable possibilities.   The use of the terms is deliberate and if you choose to bear with me I hope to make all things clear.
To begin with the Genesis story of creation has “it is not good” and then Adam went to sleep and God removed a rib from him.  After God had finished “carving” the female Eve and presents her to Adam he exclaims that she was “Here is someone like me!
She is part of my body,
my own flesh and bones.
She came from me, a man.
So I will name her Woman!”
 His recognition of the female as part of him ensures that they have a relationship to the other together further that they should work together in a complimentary manner.
Now to get back to that awkward title, I could have used any number of words but I didn’t.  Words like complement fitted the concept I had in mind.  I was aware of the innuendo in the words but after all that is only one part of the fascinating and complex relationship of a man and a woman.
We are all born with needs and no two babies are alike.  They appear similar in the physical appearance but the difference is at the core of their being.  By the time they come home the mother knows that she has in her hands a demanding baby or a contented one just in the way that he, or she, feeds.  And the differences only grow as the baby grows toward adulthood by which time the innate differences become personality  
This is where a man is required to complement his wife or girlfriend, and vice versa.  The couple soon discover that there are areas where in their life where the other person is not as competent as they are and they soon discover areas in life where the partner adds to their inadequacies.
In the bible story of creation it was described as “good” until the creation of man at which God called it “very good” then God causes the man to go into a deep sleep and when God takes a bone from the man’s chest and whittles a woman to complement the man.  After he had had the rest of creation to name you might imagine that when God presented Adam the woman he was tired of the process of naming animals.  But no there was something different about the woman that Adam recognized immediately as a part of him and so the creation was complete, and God could rest.
But that was not the end of the story and Eve discovered the tree, ate the fruit that grew there and she took some to Adam so that he could eat as well.  It was such a sweet story that had consequences meant the couple had to leave the garden and engage in physical hard work.
It was a point in the history of mankind that would reverberate through the ages and while man and woman lost their garden and they became subject to death the consequences were more than that the sense where the rapport that the two experienced in the garden became blocked when they were out of God’s presence.
The point of the story is that this is not an unredeemable situation Jesus came to redeem a lost world and through faith He can restore our brokenness again and bring us back to God and make us new again and our relationships as well.
This is possible because we are new and can reach out to others to show them the new life we have in Christ especially is this so with our intimate family and loved ones.  In fact it is even harder with them because they see us day in day out.

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