Friday, July 24, 2015

To Begin Again

Some of you may recall my previous endeavours in the writing field, some may even remember the regularity of those earlier works.  I still stand by the Make A Difference Daily protocol; of the title, It matters not if we recognize the difference in our contacts.  It is more significant that we life to make that impact for others.
Only recently I had this protocol reinforced in two instances in the early 1900s.  Over a 30 year period there were two “evangelists” in Sydney who in their own way made a difference daily, one of those was Arthur Stace.  Arthur was converted as an illiterate but who learnt to read and was impacted by the word “Eternity” and having been so impacted he resolved to write it on any available space that he found.  The significant point about Arthur Stace was that he was a homeless person who went from being illiterate to the writer of copperplate script for one word “Eternity”.  This was his life work which was recognized by the those who knew him best and who testified that he was barely capable of writing his own name legibly; He wrote the one word for 35 years and in so doing brought the gospel to the streets of Sydney.  On the first of January 2000 33 years after his death Eternity in Stace’s copperplate was plastered on the side of the Sydney Harbour Bridge; not bad for an illiterate who met his Master.
The second man who met his Maker then made a difference was, Frank Jenner.  He was a sailor who couldn’t commit to any navy in a time of war but a meeting with Jesus turned him around.  Jenner became famous for asking the question “excuse me but if you died in the next 24 hours where would you spend eternity? Heaven or Hell?”  He committed to ask that question to ten people every day.  His conversion was in 1937 and he died in 1977 and it is estimated that he spoke to 100,000 people in that forty years of ministry.  In the war years Frank Jenner had an international ministry because he targeted servicemen in Sydney, particularly sailors.  He didn’t set it up that way.  Sailors were people that he had a natural affinity with because of his service years and God set up the international aspect of his outreach.  In the years afterward, those servicemen he challenged recalled him as the guy with a sincere face, as someone who had something to say.
These two fellas did what I had set out to do with the Mad Mad World blogs, to make a difference.  However I let it go because after a while I started to not experience the impetus to write.  You see when this started I had an argument with the Master in that I was convinced the right writer was someone else because I could not write a piece a day.  The turning point came when I heard a promise that He would supply the words.  The amazing part was that these words came when I sat down at the keyboard, in fact ultimately that was what broke the publishing cycle I turned away from the influences that appeared.  The next part in the breakdown in the daily publishing cycle was that I became convinced that this part of my life had moved on.

I am certain now that these influences were false and while I can only hope to do it as scheduled the biggest hope I have is that it does “make a difference in readers lives and that The Master will inspire people as they read.

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