Meaning For The Message
Today I write from
the nothingness of inner space: looking for something to inspire both myself
and you the reader.
Musing in this way
is hard mainly because I usually seek a theme either from the text or a
title. Maybe that is what I seek a piece
on our (generic) relationship with Father, not as we want it but as He does.
This subject is valid
because of the way that the large percentage of us deals with an impersonal
force as god one who has little influence in their lives, if any at all. This group excludes by definition those who
are included in the “don’t know” and the “God haters”. All of these groups are outside those who are
“being saved”. And we who are of the
latter group have a calling from the Master to “seek and save those that are
In essence this is
done by dealing genuinely with all people we meet as we go about our days. It
is not done by inflicting Bible passages on the people when they are down. Jesus during His ministry years did not use
the Bible of the day as an offensive weapon to bring people to a follower
relationship, except when He was dealing with the priesthood who were intent on
bringing Him down.
So then what is
important when introducing Jesus as an integral part of our lives? It is not that different to introducing
someone to anything whether it is a friend or something that is significant in
our lives.
The first thing we
need to do is be genuine. If we respect
the other person then we are more likely to be granted a hearing, on the other
hand if we treat a person as a moron then we will be shut out by our
hearer. It won’t matter if we can quote
the Bible from start to end if we can’t demonstrate what these verses mean in
our lives.
The second thing
is to act out of love. Not the gooey gushy
kind of relationship that the world considers love but an acceptance of where
the other person is coming from and assisting then to grow in their knowledge.
These two things
demonstrate to the person we are talking to that we are sincere and not simply
headhunting. Many people we encounter
are just not interested until we show them how real our faith is and many of
these people have encountered others who, while being unfortunately genuine in
their approach do not know how to do evangelism with the heart.
Finally if someone
is not interested in what we are “selling”, this is not the end of the story
perhaps this person is not ripe for the Good News if you accept the rebuff with
equanimity then you are still in a position to influence waiting/praying for that
The blog is nearly
done. Again Father has filled my page
and I hope filled your heart with the message of eternity.Message
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