Friday, July 12, 2013

~ Expecting God?

If you wait for perfect conditions, you will never get anything done. ~ Ecclesiastes 11:4 (NLT)
Just something from my scrapbook that I noticed today and thought that it might be adaptable to my irregularity of my blogging lately.
It has been a bit of a bother to me that when I (we) started this I could almost expect Father to call to mind a topic daily which would become my blog for that day.  I am not sure but now it seems He is letting me find the inspiration “for and as the time arrives”.  This means that, to paraphrase Ecclesiastes “if I wait for inspiration, I will never get anything written”. 
This means that I have to look harder at events with a more desperate distinction to find something to write about.  I am sure that He will still be in the writing but for that to happen I have to take the first step and begin to type. 
So then to make an article out of my situation.  Or is this a plea for assistance or is it time to move on from a Mad Mad World?  I just do not have any insight into these points at the moment so then I must keep on keeping on.  At least that is what seems right to me.  After all there are examples of men in the Old Testament throwing up their hands when they got tired or scared and Father catered to their frustration and encouraged them to get up and go back to the task that they had been given.
Elijah would be one of the most famous or documented of these men of God.  He not only went back but in the challenge to the worshippers of Baal, he had God light a fire that had been thoroughly sodden and then he took as sword to the ministers of the false god and killed them all by the power that God gave him.
It is no coincidence that these periods of trial happen.  They come to induce us to consider our position in the framework of God’s plan in our life.  Even the Master was subject to them of which probably the most significant would be His cry from the cross of “my God my God why have you abandoned me” at that moment all the sin of the world was posited on Jesus and it was that which forced the separation between God and Jesus His Son.  Then after three days Father restored Him to life. It is this event which permits us to enter into intimacy with a Loving Father.
We have just taken a break during which time we went in to look at some equipment I may need maybe sooner than later and as usual the questions we had were answered as we asked.  It is interesting that God often works in the same way.  We get ourselves in a knot about questions and Father is just waiting for us to admit we are not omniscient unlike Him and then when we start asking questions He starts solving our impossible questions.
This is our God He knows our need and answers it when we admit that we don’t know; perhaps sometimes before we don’t the questions.  Praise Him for all that He is and submit to His gracious dealing in our life; for He is life to the max and we are made for Him

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