The Old Testament book of Job is drama in three parts. In the opening there is a dialogue between God and His opponent, Satan. Then in the middle is a series of monologues directed at Job from his so-called “friends”, and then the third part, the dialogue between God and His man.
To set the scene God’s opponent claims that it is not without reason that He can put Job up as an outstanding representative of God. His claim is that God has given Job every reason to stay true: – that in fact it would cost Job more to turn than stay.
The accusation directed to God is that Job is hedged about by God’s generosity, and that is why Job remains true. Then comes the dare, for want of a better word. Let me play with your “toy” for a while then we will see if he stays true. God accepts the dare in so far that Job the man was not to be harmed.
Job the man is a man of substance. He is wealthy, owning large flocks of animals and slaves to do his bidding, and has a large family of sons and daughters. The sign of his allegiance to God is that every time his sons and daughters throw a party he collects them together and gives a sin offering for them, just in case one of them did sin during the shindig.
Now in short order after God permits the devil to mess with Job, calamity commences. Starting with the sons and daughters are killed when the house they were all in collapsed, followed by raiders descending on his grazing stock and running them off. In both of these events only one slave survives to bring Job the terrible news. So the man of substance is reduced to an ordinary man.
The scene switches again to the Heavenlies with the devil skulking into God’s presence. The question is asked again about Job God’s man to which the devil mutters half under his breath that Job has not been touched by the events around him and that if he was involved personally then he would turn against God. So God sure of His man allows a personal attack, so long as Job is not killed.
To add to his loss is the fact that his wife was not taken in any of these events. She adds to his torment and grief by suggesting that as God had apparently deserted him perhaps the solution was to “curse God and allow Him to finish off Job.” Instead of taking up her idea Job proves God’s claim about Job’s loyalty with the statement the “the Lord gives and the Lord takes away. Blessed be the name of the Lord.”
Now those of us who have experienced chronic pain for even the shortest period knows how debilitating it is. Job was given sores all over his body which meant that he was no longer fit for civilized society, and especially the society of the community of faith. But that was not all, he was also afflicted by three well meaning but wrong friends who lay the fault at Jobs feet; the result of some unacknowledged sin.
It is often easier to look for fault than identify with someone who is a less fortunate position to ourselves. It is just as easy to claim that the world is unfair when we find ourselves in such a position. The lesson of Job is that God vindicates when the faithful remain true to Him despite the adversity that they find themselves in.
I for one know because I have lived just such aa live and have found Him to be faithful.
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