Worship is our acceptable response to the Lord is our God. It is also an esoteric form that is bound up with “being in Church” and that for many of the Community of Faith is about where it ends.
In the Greek language of the New Testament the word used was “latreúō (from latris, "someone hired to accomplish a technical task because qualified") – properly, to render technical, acceptable service because specifically qualified (equipped). – From word 3000 in Strong’s Greek Concordance.
In the Old Testament Hebrew there are three words that describe worship and each involve some form of “submission” most commonly to bow down and prostrate oneself in submission.
This word research comes out as having two forms of worship in our contemporary English. Both words amplify worship as wor – ship, the first of these words is “worthship” and the second is “workship”. They have special meaning and as such deserve a separate treatment. They have connectedness in a linear pattern. They also have a difference in source as in where the action of the word action commences. One is our response to the action of Father; an action which we should never presume upon.
The first of these words Wor(th)ship is essential for worship and the Good News to have significance. It is not something that we do. In fact it is something that Father does as a result of what Jesus did. When Jesus went to the Cross in submission to Father, He rendered it worth Father deeming us to be specially qualified to commune with Father. Sin had caused us to be disqualified from entering into God’s presence but Jesus made us acceptable by gaining forgiveness from Father. The fact that Jesus removes the penalty for our sin means that we have a reason to give God the praise He deserves and to submit our lives to Him.
Word two, which is rendered workship is more related to the submission of our lives to Father. This needs be second in priority because if we have not been pre-qualified by Father and rendered worthy then our work still has the barrier of death. However since God has declared us worthy, through the work of Jesus the Son, then we are qualified to worship (praise) Father as an expression of community and then to submit our personal lives to the will of Father (prostrate).
In this sense we are renewed by Father because Jesus submitted Himself to His Father’s will. Through Jesus death and Father’s requalifying of us we become a new vessel fit for Father’s use and as such we acquire a new value as a king’s ransom.
We used to be white elephants, our lives were broken but we have been re-deemed as having a value through our relationship with Father, but only within the scope of our submitting to the life of Father. We need to remain within the frame that Father sees us in, anything more than that would be the re-introduction of sin in our life
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