A friend once said to me when I was in a point of writers block these words. “If you can’t get over a blockage just keep writing.” I seemed a ludicrous statement at the time but on reflection it made some sense after a period.
The point that I had failed to grasp was that the act of putting words into a semblance of order is in fact a creative action that builds upon itself. The content is where my dilemma arose. You see right from the outset of this writing occupation of mine(?) I have always claimed no credit for the words that come from the activity. The credit rightly, or wrongly, belongs to the Master. He plants the words in my mind and I type them out. At least that in my minds understanding was what was happening and it is a stance that is bound up in events from my life history.
Now my friend’s contention to just keep on keeping on flew in the face of my personal viewpoint on the source of the words that I used. Hence, the horn of my dilemma. Is it viable to start a new page of unconstrained typing to seed a pass beyond my corked flow of creative spirit? Conversely is it more true to my spiritual framework to simply stop and wait for the Creative Spirit to flow through to me?
I sense that there is merit in my friend’s solution. Even within the constraint of my personal framework. There have been times where some of the material that has been published has started with a bit of literary doodling and faith that the Master would supply: simply put no theme, no title, but they arrived in the fullness of time.
I am not suggesting that God’s Mad Mad World is somehow the outcome of auto-writing or some similar mechanism. You know, I assume, about auto writing that old style theory whereby God somehow put His authors into a trance and then used the body to create His messages. There has always been an element of my thought as I write. Sometimes I run ahead of the line and have to be arrested by an errant word or phrase; and then there is my beloved proofer who points out to me when something isn’t right.
However what is written must always be sourced from Father and be honouring to Him. That is my mantra. I have in the period of writing these blogs tried to do other material, twice, one was an attempt to start a biography which made about 250 words and a series that I thought would flow called “Veiled Voices” which made its first and last issue in one piece. It seemed a good idea at the time, returning to the people who have now passed and have left an almost forgotten contribution to our faith: the result of our focus on living in the “Now” generation. Perhaps it is a concept that’s time is yet to come, or someone else will and claim it for Him.
There is historical precedent in our Scriptures to use our thinking when we write Dr Luke went out and researched the events of Jesus’ life before he wrote his two works for Theophilus the “Lover of God”. Further Paul in his writing to the Churches that grew up around the Adriatic Sea was facing specific issues pertaining to each area. These publications could have been “auto written” more easily than to go to the effort of “research” and “confrontation for failures” but I wonder if Paul’s letters would have had the same value to the hearers. Then there is the issue of Paul using “big words” in one of the letters.
Yes there is space for “doodling” even when we are writing for a cause. But we need rightly to ensure that what we write is honouring Him or hit the delete button before publishing.
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