Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Our God is Real

I wish to pay tribute to the “Just in Time Provider” that our Father is.
Sue and I have known for months that we were not going to renew the lease on our Donvale house.  The question was where we were going to move to.  I had become dissatisfied with Melbourne traffic and for a long time we looked at locations just away from Melbourne or on the edge of the suburbs but the houses we liked always got taken before we were ready to move.
Then in the space of a month before the lease expired everything went hyper charged.  We went to Wodonga for my sister’s birthday party, now Wodonga is one of our old stomping grounds.  The day after the party we went to our old church and it became our new home church. From that day on we have been planning to move to Wodonga.
Our first house hunting trip to Wodonga was the 16th of last month when we put in three applications but nothing came of that trip.  Our second trip which was an overnight visit was a week later on the 23rd where we applied for what would become our present address: eventually.
Between the 23rd and the 2nd of May we finished packing, all but and with no-where to go.  So on the second of May I headed out to Wodonga to find our accommodation expecting but not knowing that He had it all in hand.  There were some houses to see that day but the first was patently unsatisfactory that I told the agent so.
The next day I tried to get the car going so I could get some breakfast to no avail only to find that the accelerator cable had decided to separated and the car was going nowhere other than a garage and I was going nowhere.  So much for finding a house I thought.
The next morning, on the 4th of May in the middle of the furniture being loaded, Sue rang to tell me that she had been contacted by the agent to say that we had this house and that I was expected to go up to their office to sign for the house.  So I posted that news on Facebook only to have a friend offer to take me up for the signing; she was from the other side of Albury so it was a real blessing.  As it turned out the paperwork was not ready in time so I had the opportunity to hire a car,
Father had it organized that we had everything finished in the old place within days of the lease expiring on the 6th.  We were sure despite no indication to the contrary that He had it in control.  There were two indications over the period that He was in the move, the first was that He told to go to a place that He had for us, and the second was that we had to step out in trust.  My trip up was full of the sense of that dynamic.  

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