Friday, June 29, 2012

Chasing the Rainbow

Those who red my last piece may remember that it centred around an appointment which had some rather unnerving undertones.  Well we are back home again after driving 600 kilometres to see a neurologist who told Sue that the MRI was very informative on Tuesday and we were to make an appointment.  This Sue did on Wednesday and she got an appointment for Thursday.
Well we got up very early and drove to Melbourne yesterday.  We were making good time until just into the last hundred Ks we hit a road block.  There had been an accident on the freeway AND all traffic was being diverted for an indeterminate time, and travelling at less than 20 Km an hour; that was when we weren’t standing still.
It was a good thing that we had allowed for a lunch stop as eventually we made it to the surgery/rooms with minutes to spare.  After the formalities were dispensed with he told us that I had “old blood” pooling around my spinal cord, and that this would mean returning to Melbourne at some time for investigation and possible surgery.  Fifteen minutes after we went into the office we were out of it (oh and if you get worse go to a hospital).
Yes it was worth it to get a possible diagnosis and for what it was worth I sort of did not get much from the appointment other than the answers I got from the previous two doctors I had consulted who basically told me it wasn’t what they thought it was.  The “rainbow” has moved but it is closer to a resolution.
The moral of this story is not to fall in a heap when there is a clouded future.  We need to go to the end of the road and see what the future really is bringing before we fall into a heap; doing so early shorts our options.
I admit there was some trepidation when the appointment was so immediate but that was resolved within the context of the verse below.
"I'm speaking to you as dear friends. Don't be bluffed into silence or insincerity by the threats of religious bullies. True, they can kill you, but then what can they do? There's nothing they can do to your soul, your core being. Save your fear for God, who holds your entire life—body and soul—in his hands”. Luke 12:4-5
Part of my being relates well with the old song “He’s got the whole world in His hands.”  God sustains me, he is my refuge and my whole future.  As such bad news of any sort is in His hands and instead of getting all tied up in a knot our best resort is to pass the fear to Him and rest in His peace.
This is faith that He cares for us and sustains us even through the darkest days.  We need to put everything in our lives into His control and trust Him for the outcome and for our future.  It is not easy to reach this point of faith but God is faithful and will see us out to the resolution of our problems.  Remember “trust and obey” it really is the only way.

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