Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Speed Bumps in Our Lives

Today I got news of an doctor’s appointment tomorrow,  After living with this issue for months and maybe even years it is little wonder that I have a bit of a knot in my stomach especially when there is a 300 Km trip involved.
These sorts of events tend to get our lives in a wrinkle.  I suppose that it is better than the other possibility that of waiting another few weeks for the result.
I am at ease with my God.  Where it is the annoyance is in the questions like is this going to mean an operation or looking forward how will this affect my daily life.  I am not fazed by the thought of another operation; I have had my share of them.  And I am still going on my way, if anything the thought of the operation is more an issue of concern for my beloved, because of the fact that I have been put through the mill and usually I take her with me much to her distress.
Life deals these bumps every so often and one of the results of experiencing the bump is that we sit back up and learn, or we sit where we are and bawl our eyes out.  I am sure we have all had these experiences.  Life is a series of changes and we need to deal with each change on its merit.
Death is just a change scenario just a moment in life I remember two deaths in our family, the first was my maternal grandfather and the other my own father.  With my grandfather I knew before I was told, we had been away camping and I woke up one morning in a miserable mood; I seem to remember we struck camp that day and I was told the news when we arrived home.  When my father died he had been sick with cancer for years and mum and I knew that he was ready to go home at the last time I saw him.  When grandad died I sat down as soon as I could I wrote a letter to express my angst with Dad it was simply he had done his best and it was his time to go.
Father knows our limits and has promised that we will not be subjected to any experiences beyond that which we are capable of living through.  The last “real operation” I had was one where the surgeon was not prepared to look at a prospect of fifty/ fifty life or death and we went through with it because life or death I would have been better off.
When these speed bumps intrude into our lives I wonder how your emotional framework stirs through your life.  In my case I am certain that my Sovereign Lord is in control.  It is the “I” in my life that pokes up its little pointed head and says “what if”.  Sure there can be consequences that I can only imagine at this moment but if God is in control then the consequences are of my own imagining and may not happen – anyway tomorrow I will find out what message the doctor has for me.
I hope that there are lessons spread throughout this piece that have made it worth reading.  Father God loves us all and will keep us safe within our life if we are prepared to accept His love and guidance.  I will live by that mantra until He calls me home.

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