Wednesday, June 13, 2012

- Distractions Aplenty

We can be entirely focussed on doing the thing that Father has given us to do and yet be drawn away from it.  It is in our nature that we believe we can multi task and while in some instances that can be true, and not spoil the final product. There is an inevitable point where we must focus on the main game.  If we are caring for children and there is a program on the TV that we a particularly interested in, it is the children who will usually be left to their own devices, unless we are particularly diligent.
I know this because I have the TV muted at the moment to reduce the degree of interference on my writing.  Perhaps it would be better to change the channel or turn the monster off, I don’t know.   For now the presence of the TV is keeping me focussed on my writing as a means to an end.
The TV is a good instrument in the question of distractions that can impede the communications with God.  In and of itself the TV is neutral, there is a time and a place for it but if we allow it to become something we lean on it then it becomes a crutch which we lean on when we are bored or tired.
Have we considered that we may be in the place that we are because God wants us there to fulfil a piece of kingdom building?  For many of us, where we live is not seen as a placement where we can do a bit of good for God, unfortunately.  The truth is that when Jesus commissioned His disciples to change the world He did not say go off and get qualified then go and change the world. No we have it in black/red and white in the Book of ActsBut the Holy Spirit will come upon you and give you power. Then you will tell everyone about me in Jerusalem, in all Judea, in Samaria, and everywhere in the world.”
We the followers of Jesus are to make a difference for Him right where we are then He may sent us to other places. Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and then the rest of the world in our time is the block where you live, the town, the State then the nation and finally the rest of the world.
It seems to some that the only place that we can get results for God is in the places where Jesus is not king, and definitely not in the places where the Church is accepted, or tolerated at least.  Many decades ago I had a friend from Tonga who was studying where I lived; at some stage, he made a serious comment along the lines of perhaps I should get Tongans to come over as missionaries to Australia.
With Samesi it was one of those comments that I never quite knew whether he was joking of serious.  But with the direction that our country, and from the news reports go any other “Christian” nations, I rather think he was serious.  Christ is, by an large, marginalised in our nations and the law makers and the law breakers hardly give Him a thought as they go about their day.  Even the social pressure groups that seem to matter in the public arena are adversely inclined to the Church and, for that matter, the Christ we are meant to represent.
Ok this blog has wandered far and wide.  The two things that stand out are that we can be distracted from Father and that our nations need us to stand up for Him so that we make a difference to them.  Can we set ourselves to that task? I hope so.

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