Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Getting Back to Work

After a layoff of several months is sometimes difficult to know just where to start, especially where there is no explicit direction to take.  I have often made the case that my writing is at the express instigation of our Father; and I still believe that to be true.  Especially so in terms of the express of my writing, the words seem to literally fly from my fingertips when Dad is doing the driving.
This is where my issue is today.  Much of my thinking and writing recently has revolved around the God who enables and our response to that enablement.  At what point can we claim that we were unaware of God’s prompting in our lives when in fact the problem was circumstantial; God was communicating but we had other things on our mind.
The fact of the matter is that God’s prompts are often something that less than overwhelming, we only need to refer to His Word to prove that statement.  Many times God’s message has been described as soft whispers or in similar qualities.  We need to be inclined to our Fathers voice studiously and be ready to respond when we become of it.
I remember when I started this writing lark.  It was easy.  In fact I often had to restrain myself to keep to the 600 word one A4 page self imposed limit.  Now I find it somewhat harder to get started.  It almost seems that Father has deemed me sufficiently enabled that I am capable of using my own initiative to write something that will be glorifying to Him. 
I rather hope that is not the case.  While I have every confidence in Jehovah Jireh to supply my inspiration I have little confidence in my writing without His inspiration.  Today however I am experiencing the urge to write but I am far from a topic.
Perhaps this is a learning experience that is necessary for this time in my life.  Alternately this blog may relate more to the process of listening at a deeper level or the angst of trying to write when I do not feel that the subject is more about me; than God. 
There are multiple layers that bring us closer to Father.  For one person a piece of writing, or even work, will be beyond that persons understanding whilst the same piece will be a breakthrough revelation for another. 
This fact, which is obvious to all of us, takes on an even greater impulse when put into the scheme of the Godhead.  For, as easy as it is for us to recognize something that is at our level, underneath our level, or above our comprehension when we factor God into the dynamic.  We must also allow for the all knowing ability of God applies to each and every one of us, God does not have an average margin through which we all must fit.  He deals with the most brilliant of minds in the same way as He does the person who has the most of learning difficulties.  The difference is in the way He deals with each person.
Faith is one of the imponderables in life.  What for one person is a central step of their faith is a mere coincidence that will only be known in the fullness of time.  The actions that emanate from, or as evidence of a faith decision, are indicative of that faith that has grown and can stand on its position.

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