Thursday, June 7, 2012

Weakness and Strength

We are told that “in our weakness we are strong” and as a statement of faith this provides a base for our confidence.  But the Bible makes it clear that the heroes of faith in its pages often went through times of intense pressure and weakness.
King David who stood up to Goliath to defend the reputation of his God was also in desperate in his loneliness when he wrote many of his Psalms.  Many of which carry a complaint against God, who King David felt had bailed out on the King, but even so David was not for bailing out on his God.
Job was another of God’s players who had a similar complaint but only after going through a number of reversals in fortune and then a series of people who counselled him that his misfortunes were of his own making.  In His own time God came to Job and in the end validated Job and restored his fortune.
It is not wrong to go through these low moments.  I have known some people who claim that it is a lack of faith to feel low and to doubt where we are or what we are doing because we do not sense God leading the way.
 If we are doing what God has asked us to do then we should stick at it even when we go into those dry times Trusting, against hope that He is allowing us to go through this moment; for our edification or even to build us up in Him.
When I started this piece I was going through one of these disassociated mindsets.  On the one hand I felt a writing urge but I had no theme or even a start point for me to begin from.  However I sat down at the computer just to doodle something simply to get rid of the sense to write. 
Having got this far maybe there is something for someone out there.  So I guess I had better try to make it honouring to Father.  The basic part of living for God is to be obedient to what Father asks of us.  If we do that then our living for Him will be honouring to Him.  This means that we need to take responsibility for our actions.  It is not sufficient to leave God’s plan in God’s hands when we don’t feel like doing it, because it simply will not be done and the person who you were meant to impress for Father will stay away from the Father. 
I hope that this blog is a reflection of David’s complaint that God was far from him.  Yet this same David would yet write in the midst of his weeping “and yet I will trust my God”.  I don’t think it can be better said than that.

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