Tuesday, July 31, 2012

An Open Playing Field

An Open Playing Field
The Olympic Games have started monopolizing the Television but life goes on regardless. At least you would think so but in this house as with many others I imagine around the world it means that the sport goes on live in the evening and again in the morning just in case you missed something.
It seems that this is the way our media operates now.  The immediate news tops any other program that isn’t news. And pity help you if you want to view something that happened a few days ago.
This is not a rant about the Olympics or even the priorities of the media.  This mini rant(??) is really about using the current situation to consider the way of the world in considering Faith based activity.  In the Muslim world there appears to be a dichotomy in relation to faith, especially between following Jesus and following Mohamed.  Those who chose Jesus know that their life would be potentially forfeit from the moment they make that choice public: on Muslim hand everyone is meant to live the pages of the Koran.
In the Western world on the other hand public profession of faith is deemed inappropriate.  We can be Jesus followers as much as we like but please keep quiet about it. In Australia there are only three things that are not to be mentioned in polite conversation, politics, religion, and sport.  In each of these there is an element of divisiveness between the followers group and the non followers group or inevitably in terms of sport is more to the point between one follower group and the supporters of another team.
In another context in the world of religion is the issue of religious style.  If we see Jesus as Saviour and Lord of our lives then this sets the scene for conflict with those who see Him as something less.
But the point is that He is Lord and Saviour whether we like it or not.  And this is the point that I have been meandering toward; in the world of absolutes we must accept His input into our lives.  He is the only monopoliser who has the right of claim over us.
We too easily give that right to unworthy claimants, such as the Olympics, and disregard Jesus claim over our lives.  In so doing we also rob ourselves of the benefits that come through our relationship with the Master for there are benefits that accrue from being in partnership with Him and responsibilities as well.
When Jesus went to the cross for us He demonstrated what submission meant.  He was not a victim nor was He a fool who was out of His depth.  He knew what lay ahead for Him and in the as He prayed to His Father repeatedly asked Father to take the upcoming cup away from Him.  God didn’t give Him a way out and obediently He waited for those who would take Him into custody and to His pursuers.  After the battle was won Jesus returned to His followers and left them a message some of us may have forgotten, it ran like this.
God authorized and commanded me to commission you: Go out and train everyone you meet, far and near, in this way of life, marking them by baptism in the threefold name: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Then instruct them in the practice of all I have commanded you. I'll be with you as you do this, day after day after day, right up to the end of 

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