Friday, July 27, 2012

- Garden Places of God

Garden Places of God
A change in style might be just the ticket.  I rather feel as if I am totally bereft of things to write about and that is not a good place to be for one who calls himself a writer.
So with keyboard in place this might be a valid lesson.  I know Father is with me and if He chooses is ready to direct my thinking in a particular direction but it seems like He is choosing not to.
Two questions stand out in my mind.  Is Father not intending me to write daily and am I looking in the wrong places?
They are both valid question to ask but He who answers “not yet” cannot be pestered into an answer.  So I must content myself with pondering the questions myself it is an arduous task.  I sat down to write over two hours ago only to find that I had nothing to write about.
In truth we need to be a little more creative – all of us.  It may not be in the field of writing but each of us has a creative streak in us.  Some of us have suppressed our creativity under the umbrella of work or not enough time but that is not the case at all.  And we know it is a lie.
Not everyone writes or paints.  It would be a messed up place it we did and then there are the other arts sculpture and so forth.  There have been times that I have been inclined to try my hand at painting only to look at a white canvas and think that it was just fine as it was without my interference with it and when sculptor show their work I wish I could do that I have tried it and the end project winds up as a bigger shemozzle than I imagined with the painting.
But fear not each of us has a creative style if we ask Father He will show it to you.  It may be the garden at your house or perhaps somewhere else.  That is the intrinsic beauty of being creative by exercising yours it is possible to show a little light into the lives of those who come across it whatever you have done. 
By using our stills and talents we are doing a “MADD” thing; remember the meaning of MADD and the aim of these pages is that we are Making a Difference a Day.  We are making our environment a better place a more pleasant environment.  If you remember the story in Genesis Father instructed the first two humans to look after the garden but that was before they did the wrong thing; and they were slung out of the garden.
God intended us for the garden.  It was when we broke away that we found out what work and worry was.  The answer that we find in the Cross is that God has restored the garden place and as we relate through Jesus we can find our place in the garden; not the original garden but a better one where we can meet with Father at any time and in our work space as well.  Our God loves to meet with us and spend time with us we only need to make the contact.
If you haven’t called in on God lately then now is a good time to spend time in conversation with Him.

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