Thursday, November 21, 2013

God's Mad Mad World - Oops a Daisy I is sorry

Tonight I have a heavy heart. For tonight I hurt the one person that I love the most, and I say it again, I am sorry sweetheart.
But to backtrack a little there are a few confessions that need to be brought to the surface – for the past 35 years I have had a condition that was only diagnosed a couple of years ago.  If that sounds wrong let me explain.  It is a degenerative condition that is “not fatal” according to the medicals who should know.  It is also “insidious” in a one word description and which I now call affectionately “Super Syd”
Similar to some of the multi-facetted too hard neurological diseases this one will not kill me even if any number of the aspects of the gem could very well do the job by itself.  It was interesting watching my GP of the last 25 years looking up the condition.  As she read through the symptoms over that time and crossed off the conditions that she had treated me for over that period.  Interestingly they all fitted – all of them.
Confession two, my beloved has turned into my “carer” as much as anything in our relationship.  This has been progressive as my condition has lost its edge and sometimes it becomes a burdensome thing for both of us.  Especially when I do not remember a decision that we had apparently agreed upon. My much of my prized independence is starting to float down the river of life and I am watching it go as I sit on the bank.
Hence tonight I feel like I’m not in a position to write anything but there are aspects of our lives that are universal.  Without a doubt we all are prone to missing the boat and even abusing others because there is something that we do not understand. Moreover we sometimes need to have a rug pulled out from under us simply to give us a different perspective on what we see as wrong.
I intend to keep writing as long as I am able.  How long that will be I do not know.  I have lost a week or so recently, but as long as I am able to put this scribble together, lucidly, then there exists a platform for continuous output.  Of course this presupposes that I know the reality of what the pieces of prose can mean to some reader out there in the Ethernet.  One thing that I am getting bent and twisted about is that I need a decent reality shot every now and then just to keep my pride in check.  Fortunately my editor who also is active as my wife and carer is just the person to do the rug rip when it is necessary.
I am in good company in respect to Super Syd.  Many people could be lifted up as my confrères and the chief among many would be one Saul of Tarsus. At one point he wrote to one of the early Churches possibly to point out the gravity of his subject.  He pointedly asked the recipients to look how big his writing was, whatever his “thorn in the flesh” was when he was forced to do his own writing, it was much larger than when he had a scribe to take down the message.
As I said early in this piece I plan to keep this going as long as possible and I am feeling fine at this point.  So far Dad hasn’t started handing out orders to quit and he set me up in this job so I guess that means there are the odd few boulders to knock around and bones that need chewing over. As long as He provides the inspiration then I have only one course to follow and that is to rely upon His enablement

Pray for us we are going through an “interesting” period at the moment, unstable and inclined to tears and the loss of self-control which can be a different outcome to what we experience now.

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