Saturday, November 28, 2015

Try Try Again Recalls: A way of life

Try Try Again Recalls: A way of life

The time has come to return to my calling. That of putting a massage into the message by placing words together in a way that will hopefully bring glory to my Daddy.  At this point I have no idea what this report will contain but He does, and that is good enough for me. 
Last weekend I went off on a men’s camp weekend with little idea of the why of the event. It turned out that I got a couple of endorsements of my writing and perhaps a new direction in which to pursue the endeavour. One of these elements being that of the writing style.  It is the power of the encouragement potential in the life of the person who receives the message.  I hadn’t really thought about that as an element of my motivation. 
In reality I believe that we, especially males, generally get only half-hearted praise, or don’t get any when we do something well.   This is the crux of the matter when we attempt something.  It seems that we either get a response similar to the Tall Poppy Syndrome, or people find a way to ignore that we have attempted something, or we just manage to get it all wrong. In which case it is insignificant what others think because we manage to indict ourselves regardless of how badly we stuff it up.
This is, of course, when we are operating in the flesh mode which is where we tend to go when we do blow it.   However when we manage to put some time between the incident and the error, when we settle down and let Dad put His perspective over ours we discover that He is more pleased that we at least tried even if we blew it. 
The other side of the issue is.  If we blow something that we initiated thinking that it was something that we could do for God this doesn’t suggest that Dad cannot use what we blew for good or His purposes, which is one of the other sides of the Father.  He can use even the worst stuff ups and turn it around to make it a part of His plan.
If you remember the story of the upstart Joseph son of Jacob from the history section of the Old Testament.  When he came into authority in Egypt, and the famine drove his brothers to his feet in search for food, when they eventually realized who the “prince” they were dealing with was.  They immediately started to imagine the punishment that they would face when they bowed to Joseph, he had told them about it when he was nothing more than dreamy kid.  But no, Joseph the adult relieved them with them with the words “what you meant for evil, God meant for good” and he then sent them to bring their entire family to Egypt to live as his protected family.  This situation continued until after the death of Joseph and when the Egyptians realized the number of foreigners who lived within their boundaries who would make an excellent source of cheap labour.
Life and the Bible are full of examples of recall.  In hindsight we regret the experiences that we miss but the reality of life is that every missed moment modifies our life to the point where we learn from them.  Here Dad covers us with His grace, He enables us to live above our memories and our failures.  We all have stuff up examples in our lives.  This is the most basic proof of the fall of mankind.  But through God’s love He makes it right when we accept our actions and ask Him to forgive us.

This is a reprise of a piece I wrote some time ago I hope that it will encourage you to keep up the effort.

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