Renewal Review
About five years ago I started writing a daily 600 word blog, I should state right from the beginning that I had a Master in crime; He was in fact my Creative inspiration. Every night He turned up got me out of bed and he gave me the message for the next day. I called it “ God’s Mad Mad World.
Well for about three years that worked fine until I started making up titles and even messages without getting the Editor involved, my thinking was that He was giving an amount of creative freedom for myself. In hindsight it became evident that I was the only problem in the entire arrangement I had become impressed with our body of work and when the whole programme started to grind to a halt my I kind of figured it out that we had reached a state of critical mass and it was up to readers to find the messages on the web site: talk about human pride. I did attempt to start all over a few times, even gave me “Welcome Back” a couple of times even introduced the concept of a weekly copy instead of daily but it all came to naught.
So now I face the light of day and reflect on the years of a “Mad Mad World” in the sense of is it over, or not, I must admit I enjoyed the work and I have admonished myself a number of times and even asked forgiveness from my my Creative Partner. The thing that hangs like a fog is “when is a writer not a writer” and the answer that pops up is “when he is not writing.” But the jelly-like shadow answer then is I could write 125/250 words of my own bat but the target we started with was 600 words daily, or as the pattern went, nightly is another level again for me.
Another point in this my quest for personal identity is that I might be able to try writing over a period of days to establish whether it is possible to roll over on a theme/issue and so to create an enhanced, if not longer piece of work,
The truth about me is that I am not the man I was five years ago. My health has deteriorated somewhat and to some extent it is causing me to wonder whether it is a part of why I stopped writing a couple of years ago. It was caused by a loss of concentration which limited the amount of writing I could do and to a certain extent my inability to just crunch out a single piece of single themed work. These issues about my health have lead to me being almost house bound at this point which severely limits my capacity to be involved elsewhere. At word 485 I am still undecided if I have the capacity to re-enter the blog affray like I did five years ago, even in a limited capacity; this has taken 4 days to get to this point.
I am certain that as the Word says “I can do all things as Christ inspires” but the question in this context is does the Master want me to restart blogging. The answer is that from my position I am not sure about whether my compromising position represents a “failed” history combined with pressure by the tyrant to attempt to steal my peace; alternately if this is an this is an aspiration from the Master then there may be more of these.
I seriously need to know, and to follow, if this is indeed the Master’s nudge.
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